TWW features the best global stories and inspiring analysis on economics, business, tech, geopolitics and personal growth and development. We tell stories about people and companies in business, tech, education, military, sports, entertainment, and more. Geography is not the border but it does matter and that’s make it even more interesting. We tell stories from any corner of the planet — be it North or South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East or Oceania.
And it’s all about wealth and capital: economical, financial, social, educational, psychological, emotional.
We write our stories based on simple and timeless criteria: Will it inform our intelligent audience? Will it have practical value? Will it still be worth reading a year or five from now? Are you increasing your overall wealth by reading and thinking about our stories at TWW? It’s all about living a better life in a smarter way.
And it’s only logical that we are interested in global economical and geopolitical trends and more in-depth analysis. Stories about companies and people develop in global economical environment and not in vacuum. That automatically brings history and forecasting in our tale. That’s why we also talk about outstanding or underrated books and write short reviews.
Everyone has a story, and we can all learn a lesson. You read about the company in our weekly Dispatch
— you may consider investing and learn a valuable lesson for your business. You read about an exceptional person — you may find awe, motivation and some practical hints for your life. You read a book on economy and geopolitics — you may get a better understanding of what is going on at global scale and enlighten yourself with fascinating ideas to discuss.
Company-person-book — you find three amazing stories in our weekly Dispatch (see an example). That simple.
And there is always a Flow where we take a short look at the mentioned above themes on a daily basis. Join our intelligent audience who grows with us every day.